1. From Nexenta Management Console (NMC) check the status of your pools
$ zpool status <pool_name>
2. Find your log device and record the Worldwide SAS ID (WWSID). You will use the Worldwide SAS ID to identify this device later. Write it down. For an example we will use: c0t5000C500409B091Bd0
3. From NMC set expert mode
$ option expert_mode=1
4. Enter into the bash shell
$ !bash
5. Offline the device
# zpool offline <pool_name> <wwsid>
6. Find the “target” using the same WWSID we just removed
# ./sdmcmd scanlocal
You should find a line that reads “zeusram:Drive<WWSID>”.
Copy this for later, e.g. zeusram:Drivec0t5000C500409B091Bd0
7. Verify current ZeusRAM firmware is C018
# ./sdmcmd getinfo target=<PASTE>
<PASTE> is our device, i.e.: zeusram:Drivec0t5000C500409B091Bd0
8. In the output, look for: firmwareVersion = ‘C018’
9. Upgrade the ZeusRAM firmware to C023
# ./sdmcmd firmwareupgrade firmwareimage=ZR-C023 target=<PASTE>
It should return: operationResult = Success
10. Verify the firmware is now version C023
# ./sdmcmd getinfo target=<PASTE>
11. Check status of pool
# zpool status <pool_name>
Verify the device was successfully added to logs and that the state is ONLINE with
no errors