Supermicro Update Manager (SUM)

Supermicro Update Manager (SUM)


The Supermicro Update Manager (SUM) can be used to manage the BIOS and BMC
firmware image update and configuration update for select systems. In
addition, system checks as well as event log management are also supported.
Moreover, special applications are also provided to facilitate system
management. To update configurations, users can edit system BIOS settings, DMI
information and BMC configurations from readable text files, as well as use
this update manager to apply these configurations.

Two channels are possible for management: the OOB (Out-Of-Band) channel, i.e.
communication through the BMC IPMI interface, and the in-band channel, i.e.
communication through the local system interfaces. By the OOB channel, most
management commands (except CheckSystemUtilization) can be executed
independently of the OS on the managed system and even before the system OS
is installed.

A copy of SUM for Linux is attached at the end of the article. Additional instructions for usage of the utility are included in the tarball.

OOB Usage
   - Management Client (Running SUM CLI)
      * Operating system:
         Red Hat Linux 5 updates 0 (x86_64) or later
         Windows Server 2008 (x86_64) or later
      * JAVA Runtime Environment:
         JRE 1.6.0 and later
   - Managed System
      * Select X9/X10 systems
   - Command specific requirements
      * TpmProvision: required to use with ISO images
         TPM_20140925.iso or TPM_Lock_20140925.iso

In-Band Usage
   - Managed System
      * Operating system:
         Red Hat Linux 5 (x86_64) or later
         Windows Server 2008 (x86_64) or later
      * Hardware:
         Select X9/X10 systems



  • Supermicro's AMD-based H8 and Intel-based X7/X8 series motherboards are incompatible with SUM
  • SUM requires SMCIPMITool for OOB functions, the open source ipmitool is not compatible with SUM
  • Some functions may be restricted from running locally, such as checkoobsupport, and will need to be run through OOB instead
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